"The truth will be revealed" Heo Woong appears on YouTube → Tears during explanation

Heo Woong 31, KCC and his ex-girlfriend A continue to fight the truth. This time, Heo Woong, the controversial main character, appeared on a YouTube channel and opened his mouth.

Heo has recently been at the center of heated controversy. Starting with her ex-girlfriend's complaint, shocking and provocative stories such as "second pregnancy," "abortion," "assault," "stalking," and "threatening" are pouring in.

First, Heo Woong sued the perpetrator B, who conspired with his ex-girlfriend A, at the Gangnam Police Station in Seoul on charges of violating the law on attempted blackmail, intimidation, and stalking crimes, and violating the law on drug management.

Lawyer Kim Dong-hyung, Heo Woong's legal representative, said in a press release, "A demanded hundreds of millions of won in money by informing the media, Instagram, YouTube, the victim's club, and the basketball gallery of the personal conversations and things that the victim Heo Woong had with just because he was a famous sports player."

Since then, both sides have continued to fight for exposure. Heo's argument is that he never urged an abortion but rather tried to take responsibility for the child. He also said that after the breakup, the man stalked him several times and confessed to taking drugs. He also disclosed evidence of a message demanding 300 million won 318,400 U.S. dollars.

Of course, A's argument is the opposite. "Both abortions were carried out by Heo Woong's coercion. I had to give consent on the day of surgery, so I accompanied her, but I took care of all the treatment and management by myself," A said in a media interview. He also claimed that the second pregnancy was caused by unwanted and forced sexual intercourse after a brief separation.

He also said that he was the stalking victim. He also said that the 300 million won he asked for was the amount Heo Woong offered first, and that he had no intention of receiving the money afterwards. On top of that, he complained that he was also falsely accused of taking drugs and further disclosed that he had been assaulted by Heo Woong.

Then, Heo Woong appeared on the YouTube channel "Caracula Media" on the 5th and conducted an interview. The YouTube channel is the first YouTuber to raise the claim that A is from an entertainment establishment. A is denying all the allegations.

In an interview with Caracula, Heo Woong opened his mouth about forced abortion, letters left by A, allegations of assault, 300 million won, and controversy over personality. He said, "It was so heartbreaking to see the articles. There were articles that were not true, but it was hard to criticize them. I don't know if this is true, but I came out with courage because you contacted me."

First of all, Heo refuted A's two pregnancies and two abortions, saying, "No, I don't think so. But that's how the image is created." When asked whether she was pregnant or not, Heo said, "I played golf first, and I suspected that she might not be my child. But I wanted to take responsibility because I'm a public figure and I love her. I have the entire Kakao Talk message."

He admitted some of the threatening letters to A after he broke up with her without permission. He said, "As soon as my ex-girlfriend broke up, I had another man. I did it because I wanted to see her again. In fact, we knew each other's house passwords. I wrote such a letter because I missed them so much. I wrote down my love. There was no threat. I don't know why it's in the media like that. I wrote it on the table because I didn't have a letter paper."

He also flatly denied allegations of assault. When asked if he hit A at the hotel, Heo said, "Never," adding, "I didn't do that. I did protect him if I wanted to, but the fact that I hit him is something I really don't understand. That happened on the side of the hotel, and he caught me while we were arguing with each other. While trying to resist, the friend just got a laminate and fell on me."

Heo Woong's claim that he offered 300 million won 318,500 U.S. dollars first also claimed, "Not at all. Most of them threatened by registering their marriage." He threatened her even after the first termination of pregnancy, but always asked for money at the end. He told her that if she couldn't do it, she would send it to the same basketball players, her parents if she couldn't, and a journalist if she couldn't. The blackmail has increased."

Heo Woong also reiterated that he intended to give birth to a child. Regarding the forced abortion, he said, "I never did that at all. I really wanted to give birth because I loved it, and I always wanted to get married. There was a situation where I had to take responsibility, and I tried to take responsibility." However, the second abortion said, "The sound from the surroundings was also bad. I heard that it was not possible at all due to the timing, but he said it was a pregnancy. There were some parts that didn't fit. They asked me to register my marriage first, but I chose it because there were family problems and the order did not fit me."  실시간 바카라사이트

Finally, Heo said, "I think the truth will be revealed," and added, "The threat got stronger. I received the last threat on May 5, the time of the championship game. It was so hard. It was a tough decision as a public figure, but I thought I should cut it off," he said. "Of course, I thought there would be criticism, but now I am appearing because there are too many parts that are different from the truth. I accept the wrong part. I just feel sorry that my privacy has been exposed. To my fans who love me..." He shed tears.

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